hr readyhr.ready

Cost Effective & Time
Saving HR Toolkit

Ready to use , country specific HR policies and templates

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Streamline Your In-House HR Processes by Leveraging a Legally Compliant HR Toolkit

SMEs and start-ups require several HR policies to ensure adherence to labour
regulations in the country. The simple and easy to use HR tools can transform laborious
spreadsheets into intuitive pieces of information.

HR line managers spend critical time making HR documents and policies. They must
use professionally designed, readymade documents and templates which are editable
using MS Office 365. The toolkit is ideal for Start-Ups, SMEs, and growing companies.

hr.ready is the answer to their woes!

Where We
Score Over
Our Peers

With a wealth of industry knowledge,
we deliver innovative solutions
tailored to your specific needs

It provides a toolkit of 7 HR frameworks, 20 HR policy templates and 85+ HR templates with ample guidelines for HR managers.

It is error-free, downloadable online, and can be accessed from anywhere. Provides ready-to-use, country-specific HR policies and templates.

Our experts can also customise the toolkit based on your instructions.

It is updated periodically with any change in labour regulations.

Unveiling Our
Exclusive Benefits

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Optimal Empowerment

Seamless experience and performance measurement.

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Enhanced Productivity

Use analytics to automate and configure manual HR workflows.

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Harmonize HR Workflow

Manage core HR workflows through automation.

Make HR Documents From Readymade Templates.

hr.ready is one of the most innovative ways to make HR documents from readymade templates. Updates are provided absolutely free! Pay as you go model keeps it within your budget. Complete the payment here, and you can download all templates with a few clicks.

Choose From Wide Range of Our Well Researched Templates & Policies

Leave Policy

A policy to provide clarity on eligibility of employees for various types of leave in order to provide a conducive work environment with a healthy and productive workforce and maintain a better work-life integration.

Exit Policy

This policy and the related templates help organizations to have clear guidelines in treating employees with respect and grace when they leave the organisation.

Acceptance of resignation

Clearance form

Exit checklist

Exit interview form

Termination letter

Experience letter

Attrition Calculation template

Termination letter after probation

Employee Confirmation Policy

This policy and the associated templates outline the process and guidelines to confirm newly joined employees into their roles in the organization.

Confirmation letter

Confirmation process initiation email template

Employee confirmation evaluation form

Employee confirmation email template

Health and Wellness Policy

This policy highlights the organization's commitment to provide a healthy workplace that values health and wellbeing of the employees.

Employee Engagement Policy

A Framework to establish the Employee engagement process within your orgnization and enabling line managers and leaders to know their people and builds high commitment and increases loyalty.

This policy and the assocated templates set out the organization's commitment to employee engagement at the workplace.

Employee Engagement Framework

Engagement Action planning guidelines

Engagement Action Plan template

One on One Conversation Invitation Email

One on One Conversation form

Team member fact sheet

Learning & Development Policy

A framework for Learning and development, which forms part of an organization's strategy to develop people, retain knowledge optimise performance and build a learning & adaptive culture.

Learning and Development policy and related templates, deal with the processes that enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of all employees, maximize their professional development while helping the organization meet its goals.

Learning & Development Framework

Certificate of participation

Education assistance form

Email seeking training feedback

Individual Development Plan

Letter of approval for course sponsorship

Training announcement email

Training budget template

Training calendar template

Training feedback form

Training MIS template

Training need analysis form

Training nomination email

Training requisition form

Talent Acquisition - Onboarding Policy

A Framework to establish talent acquisition process and attract and recruit the best talent available to ensure you have the right people with right capability to deliver desired business results.

This policy and associated templates aim to ensure that all new employees are inducted into the organization with a consistent experience to learn and perform on the role.

Talent Acquisition Framework

Buddy information email template for buddy

Buddy information email template for new joiner

Buddy program feedback form

Employee joining form

Joining document checklist

Joining formalities email

New hire joining checklist

New joinee announcement to the organization

New joinee email to internal stakeholders

Onboarding Induction checklist

Pre employment medical checkup letter

Employee Relations -Discipline Policy

This framework helps to establish the Employee Relations and People Risk Management processes that affect a company's ability to meet its strategic and operating objectives.

This policy and the related templates provide a structured corrective action process to prevent, improve and redress employee behaviour issues and performance issues on standards of discipline & Code of Conduct of the organization.

Employee Relations and People Risk Management Framework

Disciplinary warning post enquiry hearing

Employee Relations and People Risk Management Framework

Show cause notice

Employee Relations - Grievance Handling Policy

This framework helps to establish the Employee Relations and People Risk Management processes that affect a company's ability to meet its strategic and operating objectives.

This policy and template aims to ensure that there is an open and transparent approach for handling employee grievances in order to foster a supportive and conducive workplace.

Employee Relations and People Risk Management Framework

Grievance acknowledgement

Employee Relations - Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy

This framework helps to establish the Employee Relations and People Risk Management processes that affect a company's ability to meet its strategic and operating objectives.

This policy provides guidelines on preventing sexual harassment and managing any complaints on harrassment in order to protect employees against sexual harassment at the workplace.

Employee Relations - Code of Conduct Policy

This framework helps to establish the Employee Relations and People Risk Management processes that affect a company's ability to meet its strategic and operating objectives.

This policy outlines the behaviour and conduct expected from its employees, and, the process and guidelines for dealing with breach of code by employees.

Performance Management Policy

A framework to establish the Performance management process that drives consistent and predictable results from individuals and teams.

This policy and a set of templates provide necessary processes and guidelines for planning, discussing, reviewing the performance of each employee and help enhance the performnce in order to drive high performance culture.

Performance Management Framework

Bell curve template

Bonus calculation template

Communication of performance rating

Goal Setting form

Annual Performance Appraisal Form

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Policy

A framework to establish the Performance management process that drives consistent and predictable results from individuals and teams.

The policy and template outlines processes on how to manage and enhance performance of employees who did not meet the standards expected.

Performance Management Framework

PIP letter

Performance Improvement plan

Talent Management - High Potential (HiPo) Program Policy

This Framework is for setting up an effective talent management process that works in a well-structured fashion with a systematic & consistent approach ensuring organizational wide integration of people processes.

This policy and templates outline process to identify, develop and retain high-potential talent to build a strong succession pipeline for leadership positions and support organizational growth.

Talent Management Framework

Selection in high potential program mail

One on one conversation with employee form

Selection in high potential program mail

Talent Management calendar template

Talent Management investment proposal template

Talent Management Strategy template

Team culture snapshot form

Team member fact sheet

Team Organization Chart template

Succession Planning Policy & Process

This policy and templates deal with the process to identify, develop and retain high-potential talent to build a strong succession pipeline.

New Leader Success Plan
Rewards - Compensation & Benefits Policy

This framework is for designing a reward program that aligns with your Vision, Mission and business strategy, market & industry practices.

This policy and the associated templates enable the organisation to attract and retain highly skilled and talented employees for all positions through compensation and benefits process and guidelines.

Rewards & Recognition Framework

Bonus calculation template

Grade, designation , salary structure

Salary correction template

Rewards - Increment policy

This framework is for designing a reward program that aligns with your Vision, Mission and business strategy, market & industry practices.

This policy and associated templates define the process of giving increments to employees to motivate employees in line with their performance and market competitiveness.

Rewards & Recognition Framework

Increment calculation template

Promotion letter

Salary increase recommendation

Salary increment and incentive payout letter

Salary increment revision letter

Rewards - Incentive Plans Policy

This framework is for designing a reward program that aligns with your Vision, Mission and business strategy, market & industry practices.

This policy and template outlines the processes on how incentive plans help to motivate and reward employees for accomplishing individual performance goals.

Rewards & Recognition Framework

Incentive payout letter

Talent Acquisition -Employee Referral Policy

A Framework to establish talent acquisition process and attract and recruit the best talent available to ensure you have the right people with right capability to deliver desired business results.

This policy and template is aimed to encourage employees to refer talent to strengthen the organization's biggest competitive advantage - its people.

Talent Acquisition Framework

Employee referral form

Talent Acquisition Policy

A Framework to establish talent acquisition process and attract and recruit the best talent available to ensure you have the right people with right capability to deliver desired business results.

This policy and template is aimed to encourage employees to refer talent to strengthen the organization's biggest competitive advantage - its people.

Talent Acquisition Framework

Acknowledgement of resume email template

Appointment letter

Hiring requisition form

Interview assessment form

Interview invitation email template

Interview schedule mail to interviewer email template

Job offer email template

Job description form

Offer letter

Reference check form

Rejection email template

Talent search partner agreement

Workforce planning template

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